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The Different Types Of Storage Computer Use


Our computers need storage to store data and work. All computers need at least a few GB’s of storage to even install an OS. Storage devices come in various sizes and speed. The first storage devices were extremely large and extremely slow. Over time these devices became smaller and faster and now even terabytes of storage come in devices not bigger than our hand. There are many types of storages available. Some are more popular than others and some are very expensive. Each storage device also affects the usage of the computer differently. Here’s a list of different storages available. Read this article to gain information about computer power supply.

Hard drives

Hard drives are mechanical drives and one of the first storage devices. The first hard drives were very slow but over time it became faster. The size differs from desktop hard drives to laptop hard drives. As desktops are big and there’s space in the computer towers are bigger hard drive can fit and for laptops with minimum space smaller hard drives are the best solution. Still there are much faster storage units available now. The biggest advantage that hard drives have over most other storage devices is the price to storage ratio. Hard drives are very cheap and lot of space can be bought for less. Hard drives would be useful if you need lots of space to store things at a cheap price.

Solid state drives

Solid state drives are some of the fastest drives available. Solid state drives come in various sizes and speeds compared to hard drives. Even the slowest solid state drive is faster than the fastest hard drive. Solid state drives are also smaller than hard drives and desktop case will have plenty of space left for other things such as more ram and a graphic card. Compared to hard drives, solid state drives are much more expensive. At the same price you can only buy one fourth of space you can get in a hard drive on a solid state drive. Further the faster the solid state drive, the faster the solid state drive, the pricier it becomes. A solid state drive is very useful if you want your computer working at optimal. Solid state drives are useful if speed is important. The difference is quite large when switching from hard drive to solid state drive.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage has started becoming a popular form of storage. It is more expensive that hard a hard drive because it is an investment made every month or a every year depending on the user. The difference compared to other forms of storage is that cloud storage can be accessed from anywhere and from any device. Further, it is more secure because it is on the cloud and not prone to corruption and damage like physical drives. The only negative is that it requires an internet connection to be accessed and fast connection will be required if you use large files.